
Minnehaha Falls ParkSeptember 14, 2006 12:31 AM

I went to Minnehaha Falls as well as Lock and Dam #1 and took just about 225 pictures. I was excited about what the results would look like. I think the best are yet to come as almost 60 of those frames are film! 36 of which are Kodak 100VS (vivid saturation) slide film, with another 24 that are Kodak T-Max 400.
All the pictures from Minnehaha Falls have been converted to black and white using the tonal response of Kodak T-Max 400. Photoshop plugins are the greatest thing ever.
Just as I was about to leave my second stop, the Lock and Dam, a barge and tug from St. Paul rounded the bend in the river. Watching those guys manuever through the locks is impressive, to say the least.
Album links are on the left.
D-U-N DoneSeptember 14, 2006 12:31 AM Guess what? I'm married.
Stay tuned for a more detailed analysis...
6 Brats, 8 Buns: The Mystery SolvedSeptember 2, 2006 12:48 AM Have you ever noticed how they sell brats and/or hot dogs in packs of six, but they always sell the buns in packs of eight? This leaves two orphaned buns that inevitably get thrown away. I've finally figured out what to do...
Tonight I was getting a bit hungry. Nina and I ate a very late lunch at Azia Restaurant and ended up trying to eat a bit lighter later this evening. The only problem is we have NO FOOD in our fridge. So as I was digging through the cupboards, the fridge, the freezer, I couldn't find anything. Then I noticed the two token buns sitting on the counter. Allufa sudden, inspiration struck. Here's my recipe:
Bob's Ghetto Grilled Parmesan Bread
Tools: Pizza pan Aluminum Foil
Ingredients: Two (2) orphaned brat/hot dog buns Extra Virgin Olive Oil Parmesan Cheese Salt and Pepper to taste
Fire up the broiler in your oven. Chances are (if you're a guy) you bought the pre-cut buns. Separate (or cut them in half if you're a girl) and place them cut side up on a pizza pan that's been covered with foil. (easy cleanup...Ball up the foil, dispense in trash!) Drizzle the olive oil over the buns and spread it across them with your finger, or a knife if you're a wuss. After that, salt and pepper them to taste. I recommend lots of both. After that, COVER them with parmesan cheese. You'll notice the parmesan "disappear" as it absorbs the oil. Make sure you cover it with enough cheese that it stays white. Throw the pan under the broiler and keep and eye on it until the cheese is good and bubbly (parmesan doesn't bubble a whole lot) and until you can see the top getting brown. Pull them out and check if the top is crispy. If not, keep cooking 'em. After they're done, enjoy the most ghetto-fab parmesan cheese bread you'll ever eat.
And remember who cooked this up!

This is the word barf of a guy named Bob (Ethics major turned Software Engineer) who lives in Minneapolis.
Email me. Buy some photo gallery prints. Do whatever.
Looking for foil pictures? They are here.
Unfoiled, The Movie
Why [IT] Matters
My Life Applied to Corporate America